Verizon established a strong interactive presence at events and retail locations from coast to coast and everywhere in between, engaging & informing consumers about My Plan & 5G Home Internet. Hype worked with the Verizon retail teams and Verizon Step Van at various events, stadiums & retail locations to generate leads with QR codes, assist with interactive games, hand out flyers & giveaways, take pictures and interact with consumers while sharing key messaging and promotions.
Where We Showed Up:
Football Stadiums | Parades | Art Festivals | Fairs | Car Shows | Surf Competitions | Retail Stores… and so much more!
From Florida to California, Washington DC to Texas, and everywhere in between—this program has spanned 300+ days (and counting)!
By the Numbers:
300 Days of Activation
32 States Activated
4,236 Hours of Activation