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Hype’s Sweet 16!

This month HYPE turns 16 years old. I’ve always talked about Hype as my first baby, now that I have two boys of my own it’s easy to make the comparisons as a mother and business owner. It’s so interesting to see how the stages of the business are like those of your children as they grow. This year, July 2022 is our 16th year in business and WOW; what a wild road it is been. Just like when your child turns 16 and they are getting their license and freedom for the first time I feel the same about the business. Let me try to explain it without being too far-fetched.

In the last 16 years of running the business, I’ve had several ups and downs from starting the business in 2006 and shortly after dealing with a massive recession, to taking over the business as a sole CEO, to the most recent impact on our business with the pandemic.   Watching it grow into the strong company it is today gives me immense pride.  As a mother, I can relate it to the pride you get as a parent when a child wins their first goal or receives recognition in class.

I have always thought of my business like it’s my first “baby” so every decision I make about it is for the good of the business and the employees. It’s the way you feel about a child, that no matter what is thrown at you, whatever the ups and downs are, you pour all your love into it, and you never give up on it. Like a child you give it all your all and the resources it needs to grow so, at one point in time, it will be able to flourish on its own and run free.

As I sit here writing this and reflecting on what the 16th year of business means to me, I think about how we have created a business that can get behind the wheel on its own and go to new places confidently. We have given it all the tools it needs to be successful and to continue to thrive (even when the world tries to throw obstacles in our way).

Just like a child who gets their driver’s license when they are 16, I think about how confident I am with who Hype is today.  We have an amazing team of people steering this business and we are in full control behind the wheel of who we are and what we’re doing in this space. It takes time, especially if you are somebody new starting a business or starting something new, to feel confident in the decisions you make and to also instill that confidence in your employees.  However, as we round this corner and this anniversary, I’m proud to say that even with all the ups and downs we’ve had, we’ve continued to be the same Hype that we’ve always been.

As a proud parent of this agency, I am filled with gratitude as we enter this next phase of the business, and I am grateful for all of the people that have got us to where we are today!

Cheers to 16 more!

Dayna Gilchrist- proud CEO and Hype “Parent”!
