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January 10, 2017

Communication is Key!

The first telephone call ever was placed on March 10, 1876. Technology has come a long way since then, and we now have greater access to each other than ever before. If you have a question, the world has an answer – and it’s only a quick call, text or email away.

Communication is a vital component of the promotional events industry. Although our resources are vast, some means of communication are more appropriate than others. Check out our tips below to learn more about the best ways to get in touch.


You are confirmed for an event but are no longer available. We understand that it’s not a perfect world and there are times when you will run into unexpected bumps in the road. One of the biggest communication mistakes you can make is to send an email the night before or the morning of an event to say that you cannot work. A call-out should be just that; a call. Not a text. Not an email. Not a pigeon carrier.
You are running late to an event. You slept through your alarm, hit unexpected traffic, or spilled hot coffee on your uniform (ouch). Calling to provide an update shows that you are both sincere and doing your best to get to the event on time.
You are onsite and need help. If you can’t find parking or are having trouble locating the footprint, call your onsite Team Lead or your Activation Specialist. Chances are that someone is already onsite and will be able to give you some direction.


You are onsite and checking in. Once you arrive at the event, you should always send a text with a photo of yourself at the footprint or with your team. Selfies are encouraged and greatly appreciated!


You need to confirm that you’ve received the final details for the event you’re booked for. All it takes is a quick, one to two word reply. Confirmed. Received. Got it. Roger that.
You are asked to provide a resume or additional photos. Unless you are in the interviewing process, you should not call to list every brand you’ve ever represented. Providing information via email when asked to do so shows that you can follow direction. By the same token, if a job post specifically states to apply through an agency’s portal and not to send direct emails – you should NOT send an email.
You just wrapped up an event as a team lead or manager and need to submit event recaps and photos. Event recaps should always be typed and sent via email. If you received a recap template, be sure to use it!
You have a question but it’s not urgent. Ex: You forgot your dashboard username or password. You want to find out when you’ll be getting paid for an event you just wrapped up. You’d like tips on how to improve your resume or profile. Any questions that do not need immediate answers should always be addressed through an email.


Communication is key. It’s a phrase we hear often – just be sure to do it effectively!


