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February 14, 2020

5th Annual #PromoLoveStory

WOW- as I sit here preparing to announce the winner of this year’s #PromoLoveStory and I cannot believe it is Hype’s FIFTH year of holding this contest. Each and every year we love reading how the experiential industry has somehow brought love into the lives of our Brand Ambassadors. This year, in particular, we actually got to see this #PromoLoveStory blossom right in front of us! Our winner, Sienna, played a huge role in Hype’s staffing of Refinery29’s 29Rooms Tour. Here is her #PromoLoveStory-


I’ll spare you all the specifics on how I ended up with a broken heart and in all honesty starting all over and was pretty much broken myself!  Instead, I’d like to share with you how in my #PromoLoveStory I gained more love and friendships than one person could ever imagine and most importantly learned to love myself again.

In the latter part of 2019 I became a part of the 29Rooms Team and with this experience came the pleasure of meeting so many unique individuals. Oh, and I can’t forget the travel opportunities I had.  Somewhere along this journey amongst long hours and hard work I also had countless laughs and got to know so many individuals from all walks of life. This experience reminded me why I LOVE #PromoLife and all that it comes with but more importantly, it helped me find someone…myself!

They say a picture says a thousand words and if I were to show you a photo from my 1st stop on the tour to the last you would definitely see a change, a different person with a new glow.  I owe that all to HYPE and this experience, as well as all those members of our traveling circus as we so lovingly called ourselves! I’ve always said sometimes blessings come in human form and the 29Rooms Family (because in all honesty that’s what we became) will forever hold a special place in my heart.  That, in short, is my #PromoLoveStory!
