Hype is busy at work not only getting events staffed, but also giving back to the community. If you have been following us on Facebook or Twitter you will notice hype jumped on the bandwagon and has been actively participating in the #26acts campaign. We have been out in the community distributing holiday cheer on both the West and East coast! Below are a list of a few acts we have done in our local communities, and we encourage everyone to keep the spirit of giving alive!
– Toys for Tots donation
– Gift cards to holiday shoppers and members of the community
– send flowers to a teacher
This idea was sparked by NBC encouraging everyone to give back and make a difference in honor of the 26 individuals killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. We will continue to give back and you can follow all the individuals involved in this campaign by visiting #26acts on Twitter.
Hype hopes everyone has a fabulous holiday season and we are looking forward to a great new year!
Happy Holidays,
Our HYPE family to yours