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In today’s age, the world we live in relies on technology to survive. We use technology to keep track of schedules, stay in communication, hold training calls, capture data, pay bills, and more. Although it may seem more efficient and easy to schedule a training call or video conference, nothing compares to a face to face training.
There is no doubt that the majority of our communication with staff, clients and vendors is via email or phone calls. Even when we do have Skype interviews with team leads or managers, we only get a sneak peek into their world. Meeting staff and clients in person adds a level of familiarity to our relationship.
Sitting in or leading a portion of training allows us to see how our team receives information and how they conduct themselves in a professional setting. Are they confused, bored, excited, focused? Are they taking notes and letting the information sink in? Are they respectful of our clients and fellow teammates? Are they asking pertinent questions? What role do they take on in a group setting? All of these are characteristics and behaviors we may not normally see through an email or phone call.
We all know it is easy to get distracted when we’re on the phone. Whether you’re driving, sitting at home or at your desk, distractions pop up – especially if your line is placed on mute during a conference call. From an unexpected green light turning red rather fast, to a barking dog, to extremely loud music in a café, or even your coworkers laughing about something the next desk over – distractions are inevitable. In person trainings eliminate many of these distractions.
Some people are visual learners, others are not. Face to face training caters to all types of learning styles. Training manuals provide the information for visual learners, presentations are helpful for audio learners, and role playing helps hands-on learners. These sessions allow everyone to put the program information and talking points to practice.
The team that is representing your brand will be working together closely for the duration of the program. Allowing them to train together gives them the opportunity to work one-on-one and develop relationships that strengthen their onsite chemistry. Building team chemistry may not seem like a priority, but if your brand ambassadors can’t communicate with each other or if product specialists don’t jive well with your team lead, it creates an uncomfortable environment for consumers to step into.
At Hype, we understand the importance of training our staff to their full potential. We know you’re not just looking for warm bodies, but rather exceptional brand ambassadors – and we’re here to help you find just that!