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June 3, 2022

Summer Intern Diaries- Week 2-3

From the desk of Addie-

Hello everyone! As my third week at Hype comes to a close, I am feeling more confident and settled in. I have created a daily routine for myself at Hype and have been continuing to work on my assigned tasks! Although I still have a lot to learn, overall, I feel more knowledgeable about LDA program and about the behind-the-scenes processes at Hype!

This past week I cranked out some social media posts, which was great! I can’t wait to see them on Hype’s Instagram (: I was able to shadow a few phone interviews and will shadow more on Tuesday! I am excited to interview some brand ambassadors myself- with some practice of course. I also was assigned to find some events where our client Partake Foods (tasty cookies that are gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO, and free from the top 9 allergens) and could do some potential samplings. It will be interesting to see what types of events are going on in different cities. The LDA program is coming along well and hopefully, it will be fully staffed by the end of June. I’ve continued following up with some of the confirmed BAs for the project and will keep doing so to make sure everyone has a Hype profile and has filled out the necessary forms! I can’t wait for next week- I’m going to keep up the work & hopefully get a chance to check out some other projects as well!
