By Dayna Gilchrist
Since February is the month dedicated to love and finding the right partner, I figured I would talk about choosing the right partner in business. Selecting the right partner, in this case, a staffing partner for your next event or marketing campaign is vital to the success of that project. In turn by implementing specific selection criteria, you can identity the agency that is right for you! It’s like creating your own “pros” and “cons” list when trying to determine if the guy or girl you are with is “the one.”
Below is a quick guide to finding the right staffing partner and can be used when trying to identify other vendor opportunities.
1. Set your criteria:
Get specific and don’t count anything out. Create a list of “must haves” that your staffing partner must meet such as:
By setting your criteria upfront and positioning what you expect from your partner, you are setting up a checklist to fall back on if certain criteria is not met or needs to be worked on.
2. Price & Savings:
These days we’re all trying to save money but getting the best price is not always the best course of action here. Yes, price is important but we all know the old saying, “you get what you pay for” and this is true when choosing the right staffing partner. If your staffing agency is not making a reasonable margin on your business, then something is going to suffer and the quality of staff and service will be compromised. Find potential opportunity for savings by creating long-term partnerships that include discounts and volume pricing as you do more work together.
3. Service:
Staffing can quickly become a commodity; it is the service your staffing partner provides that sets them apart. Ask yourself, are you getting the best customer service and attention to detail on every project?
4. Quality:
The quality of any product is always paramount when choosing which vendor you ultimately partner with for your events. When it comes to staffing, be sure you are getting qualified, well-trained event staff for your events.
5. Alignment:
Finally, make sure you’re comfortable in your partnership. Have you gotten a visit from your staffing partner to learn about your business? It’s important to know your staffing partner knows your practices, brand and who your clients are. Partnerships are better aligned when you both have an understanding of the big picture. Finding a partner is a two-way street. Do you have a supplier that only takes your business on their terms? If so, this agency is not aligned with your long-term interest.
We know building strong long-lasting partnerships is the key to yielding the best results for any project!! Good luck and happy “partner” seeking!