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August 11, 2016

#InternDiaries – Week 5

From the desk of Erin-

Being here for a while now everything clicks, I understand everything and anything I have to do. This is more of a job then an internship. I don’t run and get everyone coffees or go pick up their lunch. I actually have people that I need to call, emails that need to be sent out, and a job that needs to be done- just like anyone else that is employed at Hype! I now come in everyone morning like a routine and know exactly what has to be done today and assignments that need to get done.


From the desk of Makayla-

This week was full of new tasks and learning experiences! I got the opportunity to work on several different projects with a few different team members. I helped Mona secure staff for upcoming Good Humor ice cream samplings in DC. I assisted Eliza get the bFresh promotion kicked off, and I helped Laurel & Drew with securing staff for the Verizon NFL teams. I enjoy getting to do a bit of everything because it gives me the chance to see what projects everyone is working on.

As I approach the end of my internship, I’m left with one feeling: This summer has been AWESOME! I have truly enjoyed and really appreciate getting the opportunity to work at Hype. Not only have I gained great experience, but I had the chance to see the inside/out of a company—with a female CEO nonetheless!


