Case Study: Land O’ Lake’s Tour wanted to bring Land O’Lakes Grilled Cheese Sandwiches to Spring Training CampsFlorida and increase sales amongst competitors at the deli counter.
Program Overview: The Land O’ Lakes tour hit targeted Spring Training Baseball games in Florida to spread the word about Land O Lakes cheese & butter and sample Land O’Lakes grilled cheese sandwiches. The goal was t0 generate buzz and excitement about Lathe brand.
Staffing/Execution Strategy: Hype not only staffed the program, we also researched, procured, and managed the mobile tour vehicle lease and wrap, promotional materials such as tents and signage, contracted all sponsorship activity at the baseball stadiums, and handled all food permits and licensing needed. The Hype talent chosen for this program were all experienced in the food industry and were well-trained in sampling.
Where: Spring Training games in Florida markets
The Result: Overwhelming response to the Land O Lakes products increasing visibility among consumers. Over 20,000 samples tasted and loved!