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January 29, 2016

BROOKSIDE Chocolates at Sundance Film Festival

The Sundance Film Festival in Park City, UT is in full swing!  If you are attending this year’s festival, make your visit a bit more delicious by swinging over to BROOKSIDE Chocolate’s room in the Festival Co-Op at the Montgomery Lee Gallery. During the festival, our brand ambassadors are working the BROOKSIDE event space- distributing delicious samples of BROOKSIDE Chocolates, along with branded giveaways and pairing the delicious samples with freshly popped popcorn!  Stop by before you head over to watch one of this year’s films.


The Hype Agency worked alongside our vehicle and footprint partner, Turtle Transit, to create a boutique style event space that corresponded with BROOKSIDE Chocolate’s branding and charm of Sundance Film Festival, and is providing staff to execute the event on behalf of UM Studios. Partnering with UM and Turtle Transit, a 3-wall event space was meticulously crafted along with custom displays to showcase the product.

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The staff onsite, well versed in BROOKSIDE Chocolate knowledge, are promoting the unique flavor combinations of BROOKSIDE Chocolate and giving away branded swag to lucky passerby’s. With only two days into the festival, the BROOKSIDE brand ambassadors have already made a huge impact and hundreds of positive impressions with Festival Co-Op attendees!

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Want to start planning your next event with Hype? Contact us today and let’s create some buzz!


