We’ve been chatting a lot internally about our goals for 2016 and what learning’s from 2015 we’d take with us in the New Year.
Since 2015 was Laurel’s first year as an Activation Specialist at Hype we found it fitting for her to lend some insight into her first year and what she’s learned along the way here at Hype!
(Entering from Stage Left: Laurel)
I recently came across a post on Instagram that really resonated with me. It said,
“Ditch the resolutions. To resolve means to find a solution to a problem. You are not a problem. The way you showed up for your life the past year was necessary for your growth. Now is a time to reflect. To learn. To create an intention, a positive call to shift, a spark of magic and manifestation rooted in self-love and back with action.”
Something I have always believed is that your past isn’t a failure, it is something you can take, learn from, and move forward. With that said, I undeniably have learned a few things in 2015 that I’m taking with me in my Life as an Activation Specialist.
A simple text will help in the long run.
Whether I am sending a text to a Brand Ambassador as a reminder before an event or receiving a check in, the ease of texting for quick staff updates keeps me sane. I’ve learned that the simplicity of sending a text the night before an early morning event or the morning of an evening event allows me to have an idea of who will be a no show or who will be a rock star that day! Though the frustrating “I’m running late” text isn’t ideal, we still appreciate receiving those types of courtesy texts to keep us in the loop on the day of an activation.
Always proofread your emails, twice!
Answering emails in a flash may seem like a good way to show the sender you’re on top of things, however taking a step back to proofread makes all the difference! A slip of a letter (auto-correct fail) can change a simple sentence into an inappropriate one or make the recipient confused. Proofreading is especially important in this industry where we all know that accuracy is king!
Take a Break and Enjoy the Ride!
This past year working in a very demanding position, I’ve learned that taking a breather and enjoying the ride is not only important in your career but in your personal life as well! We all get it; work can be tough at times. Hours may be odd and extensive, and some days don’t go as well as others but I’ve learned that it is ok to take a break and stretch your legs. I have caught myself answering emails or updating documents at dinner and way after hours when really, it can wait until tomorrow. In order to prevent from burning out and a decrease in the quality of my work, I’ve learned to set some boundaries. Remember, power down the electronics and tune in to what is in front of you! Also, I work with some freakin’ rad people and if we are always hunched over, typing away on our computers then we would miss those opportunities to find out the little quirks about each other. Whether it is playing trivia for 10 minutes or enjoying a friendly game of office ping pong, I’ve learned that taking a quick break is a great reset during the week and makes those tough days much more enjoyable!