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April 21, 2014

#SocialMediaMonday: #LOVEBOSTON

This weekend our Brand Ambassadors strolled the streets of the Back Bay handing out t-shirts, asking consumers what they love about Boston and then writing it for them on their t-shirt. Social media came into play when the team used the hashtag #LOVEBOSTON when posting photos to Instagram.
#LOVEBOSTON #TheHypeAgency #MarathonMonday #BostonMarathon #BostonStrong #ExperientialMarketing #WeGetPeopleTalking #Instagram #SocialMediaMonday

#LOVEBOSTON - The Hype Agency - Social Media Monday (1) #LOVEBOSTON - The Hype Agency - Social Media Monday (2) #LOVEBOSTON - The Hype Agency - Social Media Monday (3) #LOVEBOSTON - The Hype Agency - Social Media Monday (4) #LOVEBOSTON - The Hype Agency - Social Media Monday (5)
