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March 5, 2015

Grassroots Marketing and Social Media: A killer pair!

Grassroots Marketing is an effective and low-cost strategy that can be extremely successful when executed correctly. A grassroots campaign literally starts from the “roots” or base level and is focused on creating “buzz” that radiates throughout a targeted group. Initially this strategy was solely based on face-to-face consumer interaction and reliant on word of mouth. Today, with the integration of social media, we’re able to take that initial conversation and even control the flow by utilizing marketing vehicles; such as trending topics and hashtags. #HowCoolIsThat


By employing social media rather than traditional models of advertising (commercial ads/billboards etc.) costs are decreased and a more targeted demographic can be reached via internet message boards, shares or reposts. Rather than paying to advertise and reaching the general public, social media allows sharing between consumers that are most likely to fall within your target market.


Taking this one step further, combining social media with “Street Teams” or “Guerilla Marketing” is the most effective way to increase brand awareness and drive key messaging with one-on-one customer interactions. This allows the consumer to be completely immersed in the brand and provides them with a lasting memory, which will ultimately generate brand loyalty and create brand loyalists. Grassroots marketing often costs less than more conventional marketing efforts, but can produce big results!


