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January 15, 2015

BA Spotlight: Pamela C.

Pamela started as a brand ambassador over 4 years ago and has swiftly moved through the roles of brand ambassador, product specialist and market manager. Here at Hype we’ve had the pleasure to work with her on numerous activations and the outcome is always very positive- she’s a rockstar BA! Check out how she got her start, what she likes and dislikes about the industry and what the key traits are to excel in this wild world of experiential marketing!

How did you get your start as a brand ambassador?

My first gig as a brand ambassador was on a Nintendo program. I was very upbeat and worked really well with the team and the managers of the program remembered me (even til this day, we are close friends), and because of my work ethic on that program, they helped me get onto other programs, which in turn, because of my consistency, opened up more opportunities for me in this industry.


What do you love about this industry?

Meeting new people!!! You seriously never know who you will meet, and who will become your friends for years to come-I have been blessed with so many awesome friends just from working in this industry.  I am all about meeting positive people who have positive vibes and I find in this industry, you come in contact with those types often. On that note, you also never know what you will see and experience. Every program is new, different, and therefore, refreshing, so that’s something I also love about this industry.


What do you dislike about this industry?

Because of the quick pace of staffing and booking in this industry and the sudden changes of a clients’ expectations, things like information, dates, and duties can suddenly change, so one has to be able to be flexible and quickly adapt to those needs, which although can be stressful at times, is also a great testament to my patience and adaptability!


What do you think are 3 key traits to being a ROCKSTAR brand ambassador?

1. A positive mental attitude, which only generates positive energy! We have a product/brand/event to sell, promote, and represent so positive energy is needed at all times, even when you see everyone around you with blank stares or upside-down smiles, because essentially you’re required to represent a brand in the best light possible.

2. I believe the ability to follow directions is such an important skill, that unfortunately, no matter how minor the task, not everyone will have. So if someone can just follow simple instructions, they will definitely go farther than someone who can’t.

3. Taking initiative is very important. Although on most programs, the task of a BA is not very strenuous, if at all, the ability to take charge on certain tasks, however big or small, will certainly make one shine. Basically going above and beyond and doing more than what the general duties are called for can really put you in the spotlight as an ROCKSTAR BA!!


